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TU Delta: Millions for TU Delft-led radar project

The TU Delft-led PHARA consortium will receive millions of euros in funding from NWO. The researchers are developing a new type of radar that can observe the entire sky in a few seconds, to study how particles grow in clouds and rainfall, and observe large movements of weather fronts. The transportable radar should contribute to climate and atmospheric research, more accurate weather forecasts, and further innovations in radar technology.

NWO is putting a total of EUR 22.7 million into seven projects in which scientists from all over the Netherlands are developing high-quality research equipment, data collection, and software. The contribution ranges from 2.3 to 4.7 million euros per project.

With the money, the research funder wants to encourage scientists to work together to keep the Netherlands‘ scientific infrastructure up to date. According to NWO president Marcel Levi, the seven awarded projects enable new research that has great added value for society. As recently as February, NWO together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science awarded 140 million euros from the ‘national roadmap’ for exceptionally large research equipment and databases. (HOP, HC)


New video about NXP’s Automotive Radar based Complete System Solution

Rotterdam Rain Radar

New video and an article about RainGain radar in Rotterdam

IEEE GRSS Webinar Series: Akira Hirose – Advanced Neural Adaptive Processing in Interferometric and Polarimetric Radar Imaging

In the first of a series of live webinars for the IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), will broadcast a live presentation by Dr. Akira Hirose, a GRSS Distinguished Lecturer. This talk is being presented at the IEEE GRSS Taipei Chapter, and the live broadcast is generated courtesy of Taipei Tech in Taiwan.

Dr. Hirose will present his talk on “Advanced Neural Adaptive Processing in Interferometric and Polarimetric Radar Imaging” (abstract below).


This talk presents and discusses advanced neural networks by focusing on complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) and their applications in the remote sensing and imaging fields. CVNNs are suitable for adaptive processing of complex-amplitude information. Since active remote sensing deals with coherent electromagnetic wave, we can expect CVNNs to work more effectively than conventional neural networks or other adaptive methods in real-number space. Quaternion (or Hypercomplex-valued) neural networks are also discussed in relation to polarization information processing.

The beginning half of the Talk is devoted to presentation of the basic idea, overall framework, and fundamental treatment in the CVNNs. We discuss the processing dynamics of Hebbian rule, back-propagation learning, and self-organizing map in the complex domain. The latter half shows some examples of CVNN processing in the geoscience and remote sensing society (GRSS) fields. Namely, we present distortion reduction in phase unwrapping to generate digital elevation model (DEM) from the data obtained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). In polarization SAR (PolSAR), we apply quaternion networks for adaptive classification. Another example is ground penetrating radar (GPR) to visualize underground objects to distinguish specific targets in high-clutter situation. Finally we discuss the prospect of the CVNNs in the GRSS fields.


Akira Hirose (F ’13) received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1991. In 1987, he joined the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo, as a Research Associate. In 1991, he was appointed as an Instructor at the RCAST. From 1993 to 1995, on leave of absence from The University of Tokyo, he joined the Institute for Neuroinformatics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, the University of Tokyo. The main fields of his research interests are wireless electronics and neural networks. In the fields, he published several books such as Complex-Valued Neural Networks, 2nd Edition (Springer 2012).

Dr. Hirose is a Fellow of the IEEE, Senior Member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and a member of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS). He received several awards such as IEICE Electronics Society (ES) Outstanding Achievement Award (2014), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) Distinguished Lecturer honor (2014), IGI Global’s Excellence in Research Journal Award (2011), IEEE/INNS WCCI-IJCNN Runner-up Best Paper Award (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) 2010), Excellent Service Award (IEICE ES), 2008, on ES General Secretary), IEEE/INNS WCCI-IJCNN Best Session Presentation Award (IEEE, INNS 2006), Excellent Service Award (IEICE ES), 2006, on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT) Technical Group), ICONIP Best Paper Award (Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (APNNA), 2004), Inamori Scholars Membership (Inamori foundation) (2000), and Outstanding Research Award (Research Foundation for Opto-science and Technology) (1998).

He served as the President of the JNNS (2013-2015), Vice President of the IEICE Electronics Society (2013-2015), Editor-in-Chief of the IEICE Transactions on Electronics (2011-2012), Associate Editor of journals such as the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS (2009-2011), IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING NEWSLETTER (2009-2012), Chair of the Neurocomputing Technical Group in the IEICE, and General Chair of the 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR 2013) in Tsukuba. He currently serves as the a member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Neural Networks Technical Committee (NNTC) (2009-), Founding Chair of the NNTC Complex-Valued Neural Network Task Force (2010-), Governing Board Member of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (2006-), IEEE GRSS Tokyo Chapter Chair (2013-2015), Founding President of Asia-Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS) newly starting in 2016, General Chair of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2016 Kyoto, and General Chair of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2019 Yokohama.


MS3 Master project event 2017

Season’s Greetings from EEMCS Faculty

First RAPID-LD left Thales in Hengelo


Thales-NL released the first RAPID-LD radar, which is the land-based integrated on a truck version of the NS200 radar for marine applications. The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany have already shown interest in this system, whose primary tasks are to detect enemy artillery fire and carry out air surveillance.

MS3 demonstrates a few radar sensors for automotive applications during the Future of Driving Symposium

Zongbo Wang’s company won an award

Our formed post Zongbo Wang is the Co-founder and CEO at the Aerotenna company, which is placed at Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Terently, the Aerotenna took home the First Prize at UTM Drone Sense and Avoid Tech competition The Next Era of Aviation is Powered by Radar. Aerotenna demonstrated its collision avoidance solution based on the μSharp sense-and-avoid radar and the OcPoC SoC FPGA flight controller. Aerotenna successfully completed two collision-free rounds in the fastest time to take home the $12000 first prize.

Fred presents the PARSAX for TV show Van de Kaart

TV West Van de Kaart show

Fred ven der Zwan presents our radar facilities to the TV West’s Van de Kaart show.
Click on image to see the full video on site

The visit to the EEMCS building starts at 13:13…