Blog Archives
Radar Laboratory for the Microwave, Radar and Remote Sensing course
MSc thesis defence by Kavish Ishwardat
Kavish Ishwardat succesfully defended his thesis “Radar based horizontal wind profile retrieval techniques: DFT applied to scanning Doppler radar measurements” ( link). Our congratulations!
RadarLab for BSc course EE3340TU “Microwave Sensors and Radars for Airport Applications”
Congratulations, MSc Nannan Chen!
New MSc course EE5020 “Sensor signal and data processing”
EM Practicum started this week
This week started the electromagnetism practicum for 3rd year BSc students. This year we have 24 groups of 4 to 5 students, which are going to visit our lab in one time slot out of 4 per week. First 3 weeks students will be busy with two assignments related to electromagnetic waves propagation in transmission lines. Following 3 weeks the assignments will be related to the electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and to the polarimetry of propagating waves.
Radar Lab for the BSc students from the minor Airport of the Future
Invited lecturer
In the second quarter of current teaching year all our lecturers are involved into the course “EE3340TU: Microwave Sensors and Radars for Airport Applications”, which is a part of the Aerospace BSc program minor “Airport of the Future”. Traditionally we also invite world-wide recognized specialists in the field of radars and avionics to give a few lectures. This year our guest is Prof. Felix Yanovsky from the Kiev International University of Civil Aviation, Ukraine. He is currently providing students a set of lectures “Airport Surveillance Systems”.