Our formed post Zongbo Wang is the Co-founder and CEO at the Aerotenna company, which is placed at Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Terently, the Aerotenna took home the First Prize at UTM Drone Sense and Avoid Tech competition The Next Era of Aviation is Powered by Radar. Aerotenna demonstrated its collision avoidance solution based on the μSharp sense-and-avoid radar and the OcPoC SoC FPGA flight controller. Aerotenna successfully completed two collision-free rounds in the fastest time to take home the $12000 first prize.
Blog Archives
dr. Takuya won Horiba award
Dr. Takuya Sakamoto, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, at the University of Hyogo, Japan, who collaborate us long time and many times visited us, received recently the 2016 Masao Horiba Award for his work “Fast 3-D Imaging of Human Body using Ultra-Wideband Radar”. Our warm congratulations, Takuya!
New MSc course EE5020 “Sensor signal and data processing”
Presentation of Gabriel Vasile
Dr. Gabriel Vasile, Research Scientist of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Grenoble Image sPeech Signal Automatics Lab (GIPSA-lab) visited TU Delft and gave a presentation of his research results. Gabriel is our partner within the CIFRE-funded PhD project of Stefano Medagli.
Fred presents the PARSAX for TV show Van de Kaart
The first PARSAX trial to measure a drone with calibration target
Fred, Peter and Jiapeng Yin (the PhD student from CITG) did today the first try to observe drone with calibration spherical target using the PARSAX radar. The sphere and drone itself have been clear visible at the range of 1340 m. Now it is time to process data and prepare for full scale calibration campaign.