The Airport Technology Lab is a research, test, and innovation environment at Rotterdam The Hague Airport, aimed at promoting digital innovation to make aviation and airports future-proof. For four years, the 13 public and private partners – including TU Delft, SkyEcho, Robin radar, Bagchain, and WorldStartup – have worked together within the consortium to develop and test solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and efficient aviation industry. On 8 and 9 June, ten digital innovation projects were presented during a special showcase event at Albeda Rotterdam The Hague Airport College. The event marks an important milestone in the effort to make aviation smarter and more efficient. During the opening by Miranda Janse (director of Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport) and Wilma van Dijk (director of Rotterdam The Hague Airport), the importance of cooperation in the continued development of smart, efficient digital solutions was once again emphasized. – the full article (in Dutch)
For this event, the ATL also published a booklet “Digital Airports as a Solution” with descriptions of projects and partnerships. Within this program, the MS3 group participates with Robin Radar and SkyEcho partners for developing airside 4D weather mapping using a phased array radar.