Our formed post Zongbo Wang is the Co-founder and CEO at the Aerotenna company, which is placed at Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Terently, the Aerotenna took home the First Prize at UTM Drone Sense and Avoid Tech competition The Next Era of Aviation is Powered by Radar. Aerotenna demonstrated its collision avoidance solution based on the μSharp sense-and-avoid radar and the OcPoC SoC FPGA flight controller. Aerotenna successfully completed two collision-free rounds in the fastest time to take home the $12000 first prize.
Yes, people who are working at the Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3) group of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science in TU Delft can explicitly touch clouds...
Just because we are working on the top 21st floor of the highest building in Delft and use facilities on 22nd and 23rd floor. At 100 m height... And we are researchers who developed and use radars on the roof, which can sense clouds, precipitation, targets above and around Delft...
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